
Our goal is to know what our customers think

Understanding your needs, we help you solve your business challenges by giving shape to ideas that contribute to a sustainable growth.

The late 20th century was a period of major social, economic and political changes. It was also a time in which there were big changes in knowledge – in how people see knowledge and how they use it. This period is now widely known as the beginning of the Knowledge Age – to distinguish it from the Industrial Age

In the 21 century the Knowledge Age is a new, advanced form of capitalism in which knowledge and ideas are the main source of economic growth. Knowledge is no longer being thought of as ‘stuff’ that is developed (and stored) in the minds of experts, represented in books, and classified into disciplines. Instead, it is now thought of as being like a form of energy, as a system of networks and flows – something that does things, or makes things happen. Knowledge is defined and valued not for what it is, but for what it can do. It is produced, not by individual experts, but by  SI-BIG, ‘collectivising intelligence’ that is, groups of people with complementary expertise who collaborate for specific purposes.

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